The title threw me off - I was expecting some kind of Jason Bourne type of thing (don't ask me why) - but the story is SO MUCH MORE than simply being about a spy and really can't be categorized as being in one genre. This book is one part about the spy life but also touches more upon the family life than anything.
Told from a first person perspective of Garrison, a CIA agent, we learn about him and his family. Garrison knows all there is to know about how to read people and situations but, after being away from his family for so long due to his assignments across the globe he's sent out on, it's like he knows nothing about his wife Louisa and his son Noah. The family aspect is the real kicker to the story as the CIA aspect really plays in the background though it's the spy aspect that lays the foundation for why some things play out the way that they do. We learn pretty early on that, while on assignment, Garrison did something that would be frowned up on by the government (of which I will not spoil) and it's certain to make some readers not relate to him or possibly not like him at all depending on what side of the moral compass you fall on. I think what he did is believable and I had no problem buying why or how it was done. But, like I said, I will let you figure that out as I would like to focus more on his family.
Garrison's son Noah (how they come about getting him is a great part of the story) was born with Downs Syndrome. Later on in the book he also comes down with Alzheimers and how Garrison and his wife Louisa deal with this and try to help their son is at times heartbreaking but is, to me, 100% authentic in how it's written. I would love to go on and on about this and the other parts but I would be doing you the reader a disservice by even remotely spoiling it for you.
A Spy At Home is a wonderful book and grabs you from the first few lines. I've never read a book like this before. Joseph Rinaldo takes the spy genre and strips away all the gadgets and exotic missions, exposing us to the real life that awaits them when they come back home and learn how to deal with the most important mission/assignment they could ever have - FAMILY.
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