Below is a list of writers, bloggers and overall cool people (with links to their site that open in a new window) that I've had the pleasure to meet via Facebook, Twitter,, etc... and they are people you should check out and support.
If you are an author (or whoever) that I've failed to mention (blame my mind, not my heart) and would like to be added please shoot me an email by clicking HERE.
Cooking with Ben & Kennedy, site I created w/my daughter to discuss our cooking adventures.
Mz Optimizm, she of the hottest show on BlogTalkRadio!
The official Humanity's Ultimate Battle (H.U.B.) site for my series.
Benjamin Rogers, author of Faith & The Undead
Elizabeth Lafond, author of a book of poetry entitled From Beyond The Mist
Visit my friend Rainy's blog
Tiffanie Minnis, author of ~D.I.V.A.~ Domestically Involved in Violent Affairs
Visit the site/blog of my fabulous friend Reena Jacobs.
Visit the site of Jeff Bennington, author of the forthcoming novel entitled Reunion.
Visit my author pal S. A. Payne's website.
Visit S. A. Payne's Youtube site.
For the best hip hop, visit my homie Mark Horrobin's site/blog!
Visit the big homie Varrsity's blog!
The good people over at who are friends of H.U.B.!
The first site to post a review of H.U.B. and who have remained loyal, the fine Pissed Off Geeks!
For-The-Masses by the Masses. Be sure to check them out!
Dark Media City, great friends/supporters of mine! Great site as well.
Find out what the Clan of the Flying Pens is all about!
Young writer Madeleine Cook from the UK. Check her out!
Aviva Bel'Harold - another fantastic author!
Up and coming writer/poet Demetrice Prince!
The Facebook page for Demetrice Prince and where you purchase his book HERE!
Fellow writer and blogger LaTonya Armstrong