Work on Humanity's Ultimate Battle (H.U.B.) Volume 3: The Tipping Point is pretty much done (at least the writing portion of it, anyway). I'm really happy with the way that it has turned out and serves a perfect bridge between the first two volumes and volume 4 which is where the s**t really hits the fan. So far the reviews from the few people that have read it have been extremely positive and includes the following:
"After reading Volumes 1 & 2, I was really excited about been given the chance to exclusively read the next Chapter in what has got me so enthralled. Volume 3 is a lot more laid back than the first two BUT make no mistake there may not be as much blood shed this time around but the storyline unravels what potentially could lead to volume 4 being the best book in the series of HUB. The book ends on a very sad note for the Vampire nation and its at this point you know that the War between the two nations is about to get cranked up and made a thousand times worse, am glad I don't live in this world that has been created by Author Benjamin Jones cause World War III could about to erupt in Volume 4. A thoroughly enjoyable read that left me wishing Volume 4 was already witten and was right next to me ready to read.
Rating 4 Book out of 5!!! " - Mark Horrobin from Manchester, UK
And this from my good friend Benjamin Rogers, author of Faith & The Undead: "Just finished Hub 3 and I have to say that it is incredibly strong and well written. As with the second edition you are really building a world here and it is really good and intriguing!"
So, based off those reviews, I know that it's going to be something special when it drops. It will arrive on 9.10.11 as an e-book (be on the lookout for it on Smashwords, the Kindle and Nook) and possibly as a printed up version as well depending on how my funds look. Either way, be sure to check out for information on how to get your copy!
I submitted the cover design that I want to Chris Leepow, the artist who did the wonderful cover for Volume 2 and he thinks my vision is easily do-able so I'm waiting to get the results back. Based off the sample pic he provided I can already tell that the cover for Volume 3 is going to be MEAN!! That should be debuting very VERY soon!
The trailer for the H.U.B. book series is up and I encourage you all to check it out. You can find it by visiting the HUB Youtube page at .
Also, while I'm on the subject, be sure to visit and become a fan of HUB on Facebook by visiting
Get your copy of HUB Volume 1 & 2 by visiting (available as an e-book and in paperback). Support independent artists!
One last plug, be sure to visit my good friend Mark's hip hop blog/site at If you love hip hop then you can't go wrong here!
Be sure to follow me on Twitter: @maddwriter and @hubiscoming
More later....